Another sea day upon us as we sailed towards our next port of call - Chan May (Da Nang), Vietnam. That particular sea day was a special event in our lives with a wonderful story behind it.
In 2001, Rick and I were on a Panama Canal cruise. During that particular sailing, we met a gentleman from Wales and his name was Frank Lovejoy. Frank was newly widowed, having lost his wife to cancer. He was sailing with a singles group and that was his first adventure alone after he lost his spouse. For some reason, and as often is the case in fate, Rick and I stayed in touch with Frank after the cruise. We have met many amazing people on plenty of voyages but we are bad about staying in touch and paths eventually part ways. But this was different. After meeting Frank, Rick and I traveled to Wales to visit him and stay at his home. Then Frank came to Florida and stayed at ours. We developed a friendship and vowed that we would not go a year without getting together at least once. And...we have kept that promise since 2001.
But the wonderful story gets better. During this long distance friendship, Rick and I have witnessed Frank meet and fall in love with a beautiful lady named Lyn. We watched them court and were their Best Man and Maid of Honor at their wedding in 2008...aboard a ship, of course.
So, on this sea day we not only celebrated Frank and Lyn's six year wedding anniversary, we celebrated friendship that has lasted over many years and continues to grow ever stronger. We enjoyed a steak dinner on board the ship at the Crown Grill Steakhouse. The food was scrumptious, the day was memorable and the company even better.
We wish many more years of happiness to our friends Lyn and Frank. May they have as much joy in their lives as they bring to ours.

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