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Follow me across America!
Follow me across America!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

"Do That Thing That You Do So Well" - Ian

It was another day at sea before we reached our next port of call - Hong Kong. 

After finishing breakfast, I decided to look for a quiet nook somewhere and work on my blog. I had the whole day ahead of me and I was feeling my creativity flowing. So I decided to go to the Wheelhouse Bar on Promenade Deck 7, which was one of my favorite lounges on the ship. The decor was cozy with rich, dark woods and soft leather couches and chairs. It had a large walk up bar (opened at 4pm each day) and a dance floor with room for a band set up. Often during the day, it was a place to find small seminars, folks reading or playing cards. I walked in and music greeted my ears. It came from the far end of the lounge near the bandstand. Whoever was "tinkling the keys" was doing a Beatles medley, sounded good and had talent. The music drew me in further for a closer look.

I walked up to the piano and sitting there was a crew member in uniform. He had his iPhone on top of the piano but no sheet music. He began to play a Beatles tune and sang with it...and he was very good! I was impressed. Ian's voice gets a little drowned out by the piano but listen carefully. He has a good voice and he certainly plays well. Here is Ian playing "Hey Jude" by the Beatles:
I stood there near the bandstand area listening and when he finished his tune I walked up and spoke to him. His name was Ian, he was from the Phillipines and he was a Room Steward on Deck 8 aft. He told me he learned to play piano by just listening to a YouTube video then playing the song by memory. Ian could not read sheet music and had no formal training. I asked Ian if he would let me video him playing and that I wanted to feature him on my travel blog. He smiled, agreed and began to play for me.
Unfortunately, I never saw Ian again on that cruise so I wasn't able to get his last name or more information to share about him. Maybe his friends or coworkers on the Diamond Princess (or whatever other ship Ian may have transferred to) will let Ian know I kept my promise and have featured him on my blog...have him take a look. To Ian: keep playing, smiling, learning and sharing your talent with others like you did with me...and thanks.

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