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Follow me across America!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Some Things To Remember

Another sea day and these are always welcome after so many ports back to back and long days of sightseeing. Don't get me wrong - I'm never complaining. It's like being able to catch your breath and hydrate in the middle of a long run and the run is your passion.
By now we were 20 days into our 31 day voyage. The International Cafe on Deck 5 Atrium had become a great place to start the day. My hydration first thing in the morning is a nice cup of tea, or two. I get a friendly "good morning" and smiles from the baristas when I walk up. On this morning as I took a seat at the hightop bar, my tea was being steeped and the barista began making an impromptu paper rose and placed it next to my cup. How charming. It was so wonderful sitting at the cafe, chatting with the baristas, looking out the picture windows at the sea and slowly easing into the day this way.
Later, I returned to the International Cafe for a caffeine boost of Diet Coke. My can was a reminder of where we had already traveled on this trip.
That afternoon, there was a brief ceremony by the main pool. The entire staff on the Diamond Princess gathered here for a group photo. The occasion? The entire ship's crew had won an award for excellent customer service. Way to go, crew!! Kudos.
Onwards to Benoa (Bali), Indonesia - click on the link to continue traveling: Asia and Australia 2014

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