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Friday, March 20, 2015

"Do That Thing That You Do So Well" - Pintu

I believe very strongly that Customer Service is an art form. Not everyone can do it and only those special few take it to a level that outshines all others. I come from a service industry so I understand and empathize for the difficulties that go with it. No matter where I travel, my eye is always on service and I am constantly looking for those little gems that stand out in a crowd.

Here is an example of one such employee - Pintu, a Bar Steward from India. On our cruise through the Orient and Australia on the Diamond Princess, we met Pintu for the second time. It is always like "coming home" when we see familiar faces in the crew and it is something Rick and I always treasure during our adventures.
Pintu was so attentive in a gentle, quiet way. During our voyage with Pintu on the Diamond Princess, he worked in the Crooners Lounge and in the Skywalkers Lounge, two places that our friends traveling with us, Rick and I liked to go to. Pintu would effortlessly appear from seemingly "nowhere", sidle up next to our chairs and know immediately what our choices would be for that evening's refreshments.

Well, one night in Skywalkers Lounge, Pintu walked up to my friend Lyn and I and layed a beautiful box in front of each of us. What was it? The first thing I noticed was that the box itself was made of very carefully folded Princess Patters, which were daily newsletters that the ship provided passengers every day on that day's activities, entertainment and such. But when I say folded, I mean origami folded with precision and exact detailing. Corners and sides were lined up perfectly like flowered wallpaper hung by an expert. It was a work of art! I opened my box and inside lay a carefully rolled paper rose...the biggest paper rose I had ever seen. I was in awe. I took the rose out and, like the box, it was perfection. It even had paper "thorns" and "leaves". I looked at Pintu and had to ask "did you make this by hand" and he shyly responded "yes". It took him several weeks, each night back in his cabin after putting in long hours past midnight on the job. Pintu made one each for Lyn and I "just because" and with sincerity, kindness and humbleness. 
Pintu, thank you again for such a beautiful, heartfelt gift. It astounded me.This was one of the kindest displays of customer service, but beyond...I have ever experienced. As a friend, I thank you and as a customer I thank you, from the bottom of my heart. You made me feel very special with the time and care you put into your creation. I've said it a hundred times and I'll say it again - "Princess crew rocks!"  

Speaking of the awesome Princess crew, check out my next post: Some Things To Remember

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