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Follow me across America!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Halloween 2014

Our ship left Laem Chabang, Thailand and that evening we were sailing through the Gulf of Thailand and celebrating Halloween 2014 as we steered towards Indonesia. What a unique place to be.

The crew threw their energy into decorating the ship's atrium area with festive pumpkins, witches, cakes, spiders and webs. I must say that the pumpkin carvings were spectacular! It was easy to see talent and artistry demonstrated by the kitchen staff. These folks could take anything and make it look good from radishes and breads to ice and watermelons at any time. So Halloween must have been fun for them to "let loose" and get crazy.
The word "Halloween" is actually derived from the words "All Hallows Evening" because it marked the eve of All Hallows Day, which was November 1st. Hallow is an old word for saint and currently November 1st is considered All Saints Day by the Catholic church and several Protestant denominations. After 16th century reformation, All Saints Day and Halloween were mostly forgotten in most of England but not in Scotland and Ireland. It was believed that ghosts and goblins were particularly active on Halloween, the day all saints and martyrs were remembered.

It is believed that the birth of "trick or treat" dates back to the Middle Ages in a practice called "mumming". Early pre-Christian Celts who lived in Ireland, the United Kingdom and northern France used to light bonfires, dress in costumes made of animal skins and set up large banquets of food and offerings. Unwelcome spirits, or evil spirits, were offered food to placate them. Centuries later, people began dressing up as ghosts, goblins and other evil spirits and performing antics in exchange for food and drink.

In mid 19th century, Irish immigrants took the Halloween customs to the USA. The Irish used to hollow out turnips and put candles in them; in the US, pumpkins were used instead.

So, such is the tradition of Halloween. Should you be "spirited" away by the festivities and not know "witch" way to turn, might as well head for the food and begin "goblin" it up. Happy Halloween! 
The crew always put their time and heart into these celebrations and make them fun.
Click here: "Do That Thing That You Do So Well" - Pintu to read about one of those special crew members who made our voyage a success. 

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