This port required a tender ashore aboard one of the ship's many lifeboats. Below us, the water was three shades of blue as a continual breeze blew mixed with sunshine and gorgeous temps in the mid-70's (F).

Once ashore, we took a taxi to "The Boatyard" beach where the crew also go and hang out. I say this because we have found that the crew are excellent sources for information in their continuous search for fun, great WIFI and relaxation.

We tried some flying fish (first time!) with an excellent brew of hot pepper sauce.

No matter how many times we have visited Barbados, this lovely island continues to "blow us away". There is no better way to unwind every muscle in your body and be carried away to a place where "...every little ting gonna be alright" (Bob Marley)" than to sink your feet into the powdery, white sand, swim and sip and enjoy every ambiance that Barbados has to offer. Again, paradise!

After an awesome day in Barbados, we set sail towards Trinidad. This gave us another enjoyable day at sea. Check out our special dinner celebration that following evening: South American Cruise 2014
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