Follow me across America!

Follow me across America!
Follow me across America!

Monday, February 2, 2015


Ahoy! It was landing time in Osaka, Japan.
The Osaka Wan (Bay) pilot boarded our ship and led us through the narrow Tomogashima Suido between Okino Shima ((Island) and Awaji Shima (Island) and took us into Osaka Wan (Bay). The temperature was mid 70's F with barely a wind and blue skies. 
 (map courtesy of internet)
What a sensational welcome we received as the fireboats sent plumes of water into the air to celebrate our arrival into port.
Our ship docked at Tempozan Harbor Village complete with ferris wheel, shops, marketplace and cafes. We had a tour booked but because we arrived in port later than planned (all due to the domino effect from the typhoon in Tokyo), we were getting a late start to our day in Osaka and had limited time ashore. So we cancelled our tour and decided to set out on foot.  The remainder of the trip ran on time but unfortunately, Osaka was the one destination where time was effected unfavorably.
Inside the Tempozan Harbor Village, we wondered around and came upon the Kaiyukan  Aquarium and decided to take a look. It was huge! Eight floors of marine type animals with recreations of individual natural environments encompassing entire regions of the Pacific Ocean.
Ocean sunfish
Giant spider crabs from the deep sea
A gigantic whale shark 
Penguins and sea otters from the Arctic
The rain forest of Ecuador hosted Red Belly Piranhas and Pirarucu, the largest freshwater fish in the world.
Loggerhead turtle from the Cook Strait
The interactive exhibits allowed the senses to experience "see, hear, smell and touch". My friend Lyn (she and her husband Frank traveled with us) and I felt the texture of sharks and rays from the Maldives as they swam around in the shallow pool.
The jellyfish exhibit was my favorite! This aquarium had one of the most renowned collections nationwide. I was captivated by their magical beauty.
After spending the afternoon at the aquarium, we walked around the marketplace as the orange, pink and yellow sunset fell below the blue sky.
The ferris wheel lit up the sky at dusk.
As we made our way back to the ship, we came upon a school band playing just for the passengers and crew aboard. It was so special. These kids played for hours and were so full of energy and smiles. They giggled and laughed in between songs and clearly enjoyed what they were doing. As they played, they moved around into formation of words such as "welcome", "please" and "come back".  
Our day passed too quickly and was short. The people of Osaka were so warm and friendly. Much of the city was destroyed in World War II, but was rebuilt and possessed a vibrance and vitality I felt and saw. Those who live in Osaka are called "Osaka-jin". Like we would see in most of the orient, old lives with new as skyscrapers share space with centuries old temples and castles. Progress seemed compatible with tradition and culture. 
We were sorry to leave Osaka but good things must end and we set sail that evening towards Okinawa.

Continue the journey with me to on this link: Asia and Australia 2014

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