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Follow me across America!
Follow me across America!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Everything Begins With One

Wow! January 22, 2015 officially marked one year since this blog began and when I decided to take the plunge.

The momentum hasn't stopped and it all started with an unquenchable urge to write and share my travels with my family and friends. Never to downplay the encouragement from friends and spouse along the way who thought I had a talent and should follow it. To all those special people: thanks for the loving nudges.

Let's face it - traveling is in my blood and it fits like a round peg in a round hole. It's better than fine chocolate when I experience those magical moments of colors, textures, cultures, foods and people melding. Someone once told me I am like a sponge...and perhaps I am. I not only want to see the world, I want to soak it up, breathe it in and gulp it down...and never stop thirsting for it.
I have said it before and I will say it again - travel teaches so much and it is the best education around. I've learned that being normal is highly overrated, that adventure is where you seek it, that life is in the details and that every place I visit has a story. Bring five people into a room to watch the same movie then ask those same five people after the film to explain what they saw. I'm betting you would get at least three different viewpoints. That's travel. Interpretation and appreciation is the glory of it. 

No celebration would be complete without many thanks to all of YOU who loyally follow my blog, send their comments and keep me inspired along the way. Many hugs and kisses to you. Last, but never least, to my darling spouse who shares my dreams with me. Two halves make a whole. 

So, what are the plans for 2015, you ask? I'm thinking domestic...time to see more of my own state and country. As our lovely friends from Wales remind me - why travel across the world when you have so much offered in your own "backyard"? Okay, so let's do it! 
So, I say "cheers" to this new year! My little ticker on my blog home page says I have been visited by over 3,680 viewers...and the number continues to grow even as I write. Well, it sure puts a big smile on my face. I invite you to sit back, relax and continue to journey with me to amazing places. Feel free to share your comments or suggestions along the way - I always welcome them. 

So, enough of my yakking and let's start packing....

Karri Conover  

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