Follow me across America!

Follow me across America!
Follow me across America!

Monday, January 30, 2017

Three Cheers!

Ching-Ching, it's time to celebrate! This blog has turned three years YOUNG as of January 22, 2017...and oh-boy!, what an adventure it's been! The year 2016 just galloped by - Rick and I did so much and saw so much. We believe life is about moments, taking chances, conquering our fears and stepping outside our bubbles. This philosophy has taken us around the world for decades.
Our six month tour across America was the year's highlight adventure. We traveled over 10,000 miles last year seeing unimaginable sights throughout Florida, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois. It was outrageous and we had good times we will never forget. Our method of transportation? Our comfy "home on wheels" - a 40 foot motor home with our SUV in tow. I call it "glamping" (glamour camping)...and it has been. It's like a studio apartment on wheels and comes complete with living room, dining room, kitchen, residential size refrigerator, fireplace, washer/dryer, full size shower and king size bed. Come to think of it, I've never shown pictures of the inside of our motor home on my blog before so for this special celebration this will be the unveiling:
For starters, we relaxed and enjoyed time with family, friends and new acquaintances (human and otherwise) from around the country and "across the pond". It always amazes me how many smiles there are out there and how many kind, decent people we have on this great earth. It constantly restores my faith in mankind.

We "popped some rocks" (Funky Flames) and shared a lot of campfires. Never heard of Funky Flames before? Then check out my blog post on Louisiana by clicking here: Land Yacht To Louisiana. I learned a lot of tidbits on this trip when it came to campfires (applies also to home outdoor fire pits), whether it was for mosquito patrol or just unique fire dining. Why not take a look at these (or more) may surprise you and you could be the next "Cookout Master" at your next backyard or camp fire get together: Travel Ideas (Camping).
The final gift to each day is a sunset and we saw so many gorgeous, glowing skies.

The wonder of it all can't be put in this one blog post alone. I encourage you to visit my other posts of our many stops across America (if you haven't already) by clicking the following link: Glamping 2016

So...what are plans for 2017, you may ask? Well, they will definitely include spending more time with family and friends...and of course that means more travel. Not a problem. Checking in at 7,797 page views on this special occasion, this tells me you and others are enjoying TravelZWorld and that keeps me going. Thank you for your continued support. 

I still have more tales of our American adventure coming plus lots more planned for this coming year. So saddle up, hold on and let's go!!!!!

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