Join me as I morph from a polliwog to a shellback in an age old, nautical tradition as the ship celebrates crossing the equator.
Calling all polliwogs! Hear ye, hear ye...King Neptune and his Queen preside over the equatorial trials on the Crown Princess.

The King, his clerk and court, along with some fair maidens pass judgement on the accused. The accused stand trial for "sins" unfathomable and must atone before the Crown Princess can cross the equator into the Southern Hemisphere.

Polliwogs are passengers or crew that have never crossed the equator by ship and are the accused. The King and court find all polliwogs guilty as charged and deem all must "pay" for their misdeeds. A few passengers are chosen to represent the guilty polliwogs and accept punishment for the "sins" of all.

First, the guilty polliwogs must kiss the King's raw fish. Then the King's surgeons begin their handy work on the polliwogs using instruments to "inflict" discomfort. The maidens are then free to "punish" the polliwogs with their goop and glop.
Calling all polliwogs! Hear ye, hear ye...King Neptune and his Queen preside over the equatorial trials on the Crown Princess.

The King, his clerk and court, along with some fair maidens pass judgement on the accused. The accused stand trial for "sins" unfathomable and must atone before the Crown Princess can cross the equator into the Southern Hemisphere.

Polliwogs are passengers or crew that have never crossed the equator by ship and are the accused. The King and court find all polliwogs guilty as charged and deem all must "pay" for their misdeeds. A few passengers are chosen to represent the guilty polliwogs and accept punishment for the "sins" of all.

First, the guilty polliwogs must kiss the King's raw fish. Then the King's surgeons begin their handy work on the polliwogs using instruments to "inflict" discomfort. The maidens are then free to "punish" the polliwogs with their goop and glop.

After the frenzy of food and mess, the Crown Princess is given right of passage to cross the equator and all polliwogs are transformed into shellbacks. Shellbacks are now free to roam the seas as experienced sailors.

Our next port was another gorgeous island getaway: South American Cruise 2014
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