Follow me across America!

Follow me across America!
Follow me across America!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

NOT The Terrible Twos

What a spectacular year this has been!!! On January 22, 2016 this blog turned two years old.  I am checking in at 5,210 page views and I am humbled by this. The incredible feedback I receive from followers has been tremendous. Just knowing that so many people tune in and share my adventures brings so much joy to my heart. Writing is a passion of mine and I enjoy it as much as I love living the moments. Thank you! I can say this - that 2016 is beginning to take form and it should prove to be a wild stay tuned.
For 2015, my travels stayed alive and well and I could not be happier. There is still so much to see and do. After all, a comfort zone is a beautiful place...where absolutely nothing gets done.
Beginning in 2015, Rick and I wanted to see the USA and explore more of her boundaries and awesome landscape. We've been down under, down over, clear across, up aways and to the south around the globe but the glaring question remained "how much of our own country have we actually seen?" Answer: not enough.
So, changes took place in 2015 that laid the foundation for this quest and we traveled (no pun intended) further outside our comfort zone. First of all, we sold our condo in the city where I have lived all my life and moved to north Florida to a home surrounded by wetlands, preserves and wild animals. We went from traffic jams and congestion to gators walking around the neighborhood and deer eating our plants. Loving it!
Toys are ALWAYS a fun part of life and why should kids have all the fun? So, with the new home came my "Green Dragon", my golf cart to putt around in and explore the many miles of nature trails around me. The name comes from a combo of my fave color (lime green) and the road we now live on (Dragonfly Drive). No cart would be complete without a trusty mascot, who rides in the back.
Last, but never final, we fulfilled a longtime dream of ours when we purchased a motor home and officially became land yachters. This 2015 forty-one foot Itasca Meridian became ours. 
So, with so many changes in our life, where do we start? Our first road trip in our new motor home was to the Finger Lakes in upstate New York. There we "glamped" (glamour camping) for three weeks and spent a wonderful time with family. We witnessed Mother Nature in her glory, Americana at its best and some amazing sunsets along the way.
Visiting the Finger Lakes during grape harvest season has its advantages. I was given a chance to ride a combine that harvested grapes from the vines. That's me in the fluorescent sweatshirt and that is my wonderful family member Gene driving. He rocks! 
We visited the Corning Glass Museum. Surrounded by a multitude of colorful glass objects molded into unimaginable pieces of art, I became inspired. So, I dove at the chance to take a mini class in glass works. The end result was a glass wind chime I made myself and which proudly hangs in our home.
More new experiences...we have watched rocket launches from Cape Canaveral both at dawn and dusk and have felt the rumble of the ground when the shock waves hit. It is spectacular. 
Before the year ended, we spent a week cruising in the Bahamas, St. Maarten and St. Thomas. The lands of multi-blue waters always soothes my soul.
With another year behind us, 2016 is shaping up to be a very grand tour. Again, thanks for celebrating my two year blog-anniversary with me. Now sit back, relax and let me "do the driving" for 2016. You won't be disappointed.

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